Saturday, December 6, 2008

What I learned attending English 101 Class

At the beginning of this semester, I was a bit excited about attending this class. This was my very first on-line class that I have ever attended. My first thoughts were that I was going to complete this class with a fairly decent grade consider my past academics in literature. I was completely incorrect!

I learn quite a bit from this class.I learned how to blog, I also learned how to write a MLA style essay, but the most essential piece that I will take from this class is the fact that I am not a student that is able to learn in a "cyber" environment. I have learned that the best learning style for me is in the classroom, where I am able to have my professors at my fingertips, where I am able to meet my classmates face to face and chat with them about difficulties that I am having in the class.

I struggled with our essay assignments a lot during this course. I could not grasp the concept of what was wanted regarding the topics. I believe that our topic this semester was very difficult for because the paranormal is not something that I believe in.

If I had to take this class all over again, I would defiantly do so on site. This will help to ensure I was completely all of my assignments correctly. An on-site class will give me the opportunity to ask questions and receive a response face to face at the same time.

I enjoyed reading my classmates blogs and finding out what they liked and disliked each week, however, I did not care for the topics of the class at all. I don't watch television shows or movies that involve such concerns. I do not care to read about the dead, or watch movies about a living person who speaks to the dead as a profession, I am not interested in that at all.

Ending this semester, I am glad that I took this opportunity. Had I not, I would have never found out that the classroom is the best setting for me.

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